
Can You Truly Be Yourself in Florida?

Welcome to Paradise. In the town I grew up in, my hero was a bookseller who almost singlehandedly defeated the best military in the world.  He lived near me, taught himself military strategy and became one of General George Washington's closest friends.  He left school at the age my son is now to support his mom and younger brother and made himself the most interesting book seller in all of Boston. The thing I like about him was how he marched to his own drummer.  He didn't worry what others thought of him but certainly knew the difference between right and wrong.  People have largely forgotten about his heroics but, our family has not. Two weeks ago we traveled to Northern Florida and then Georgia for our son to compete in a wakeboard competition.  While we were there my son decided that some of the water lilies were cool and he should decorate his helmet with them.  Preteen boys typically do not fawn over flora or use it as decoration, but our kid isn't worried about wha

What Makes You The Happiest in Florida?

Welcome to paradise. The reasons for moving to Florida are about as varied as the people who move here.  But when talking to new residents, the weather is normally a factor even if it's not the biggest one.  I knew I was going to end up here when I was 10 years old and shoveling snow in mid-April.  That's not the life I wanted. Don't get me wrong, I had lots of great friends where I grew up and I'm a history nerd so being born in Wollaston (modern day Boston) was a point of pride to me.  Even though Wollaston was named after a pirate who was generally considered an undesirable.  But, seriously how many people do you know who grew up in a town named for a pirate?  There really aren't too many of us. At any rate, since moving to Florida, I have been surprised at the amount of time everyone spends outside.  To that end I couldn't be happier that our son loves the outdoors and is involved in a few sports that take place outdoors almost exclusively.  I feel bad for p

Why Would a Non-Golfer Live on a Golf Course?

Welcome to Paradise. Before I was a dad, I thought that kids were kids - pretty much all the same.  Then my son Rocky was born.  From the earliest of ages all he wanted to do was be outside and be riding something.  It started with a scooter and balance bike before he was two and he's never looked back.  That's awesome, however as he became more mobil we quickly learned we needed a bigger house, near the beach with a huge backyard. Not as difficult as it sounds. Before Rocky's second birthday we bought a house 11 minutes from the Gulf of Mexico with a 500 Acre backyard.  To be fair, the yard isn't our private 500 acres, we live on a golf course by Siesta Key in Sarasota so our backyard gets HUGE as soon as the golfers go home. So we get to live in a place with a 500 acre backyard that we never have to mow.  I'm thinking no matter what kid of kid you have that's a good deal. In the "backyard" Search Golf Course Homes

Does Wildlife in Florida Concern You?

Welcome to Paradise. I hadn't been in Florida long before I was bitten by several Fire Ants and needed medical attention.  My doctor tells me I have an underlying allergic reaction and I shouldn't be embarrassed that I ended up on crutches.  But let's be honest, NO ONE wants to admit they lost a fight with a bunch of ants and had to go to the ER. When our son showed up I did make all sorts of effort to ensure he didn't get set upon by this underground monster.  Needless to say by year three he had been attacked, in front of his mom, who swears to this day there were more than 200 bites.  In her defense, she is probably right.  It was a bad scene. But there were worse incidents. One year ago we were swimming in a lake and a gator popped up next to my son. One of his best friends has survived an alligator attack and I think Rocky wants some gator scars; and that's probably the only thing in my life that keeps me up at night. At any rate he left the water and the gator

What is Florida Really Like?

Welcome to paradise. Or, see you soon if you are reading this up north.  I think my most read blog post was me explaining the vibe in Florida.  I grew up in New England and was told by a great number of people a huge litany of things I wasn't allowed to do or, things that I wasn't able to do.  When I wrote my most read blog post, I wrote about how the vibe was a mellow "live and let live" vibe and included a photo of my son on his wakeboard in heavy boat traffic giving me the peace sign....  And so, yeah, Live and Let Live is the vibe.... However, that really tells you what OTHER people are like.  The question truly is 'What is Florida Like to ME?'  Essentially, it comes down to what you feel comfortable doing in your home state.  Now my third grader was born and raised here and never even saw snow until this past winter.  He's a real Floridian. Today, he went to church then painted his toe nails, strapped an Ostrich Stuffed animal to his helmet and went s

Happy New Year! 2024

Welcome to Paradise.  Been a busy fall and surprisingly we are coming off our biggest year ever in real estate!  Haven't blogged enough so, wanted to be a bit more focused as we start this year. I've been working with a young family relocating to Florida from the midwest for about a month now.  The first thing they wanted to let me know was that they were not beach or urban fans but wanted to be close to "civilization" and still maintain privacy.  Makes sense, that's a great lifestyle - or can be. My family does live by the beach and close to downtown so our holiday vacations tend to be in horse country.  We all love animals but are aware that that lifestyle is probably a non starter for us.  Our son always has fun on a horse properties we rent and actually does chores like a farm kid (with more supervision).  It seems like a working vacation for a third grader but, he seems to love it.   And sometimes it's fun to play with the goats after dark... My Website  

What's The Best Way to Have Your Kid Meet GOOD KIDS To Be Friends With, in florida?

Welcome to Paradise. Whether you have just moved your entire family to Florida or, have just welcomed a new Floridan to you home, they need friends.  Don't worry, they will probably find a way to that part by themselves, you just want influence to ensure that their friends are "Good Kids".  This might be a new thing because when I was growing up our parents rarely knew where our friends lived let alone who they were. But it's different now. I wanted to hand select all my son's buddies but that is really not realistic so, we just made sure he played sports that involve the whole family.  The rational is that if parents are spending their weekends making sure that their kids develop and grow, they most likely will be great kids to have around ours.... So far, so good..... My website