
Showing posts from May, 2014

Do Manatees Bite?

Welcome to Florida.  Normally when folks arrive in our country (I realize technically it's part of the United States but honestly, people in the state stop working if Fidel Castro is rumored to have died - so it really can't be part of the US, right?).  So welcome.  It usually only takes one fire ant attack for new Floridians to realize you never walk or sit on the grass here.  Stay on paved surfaces, drive the convertible you just purchased and drink plenty of fluids. Also, only tourists think manatees are friendly sea cows like the media has portrayed them. They are dinosaurs who happen to be herbivores yet protect their young in the same manner as tigers.  Essentially, think of manatees as the tigers of the sea.  Beautiful to look at but only if you are behind about 3 inches of plexiglass.  I feel like I am especially qualified to discuss this as I am the only person in the state of Florida that has survived a manatee attack.  Granted the e...

Why Is Florida So Much Better Than California?

A year of so ago, while I was sitting in my backyard speaking to a client, he mentioned that he couldn't understand why seemingly overnight all of his neighbors became California transplants.  At the time, the most logical explanation to both of us seemed to be taxes.  Without any sort of State income taxes the average Californian puts thousands of dollars (every year) in his or her pocket by relocating to Florida.  I shot a video about it and (in real estate video terms) it went viral.  I have well over 5,000 views of my video discussing the tax structure in Florida. But then I met a surfer.  This person was going on an on about the superiority of California waves to Florida and how great a surfer he was.  He told me he surfed year round and he had some great photos of him surfing this spring.  But one ting looked odd in the photos.  Then it hit me. He was wearing a wet suit. In the Spring! Seriously, the water is so cold in the ocean i...

What Do Fossilized Granite Counter Tops Look Like?

With more and more very highend homes sporting kitchen counter tops with dinosaur fossils, even home owners with modest means have gotten into the act.  Please watch the attached video showing how instead of spending $100,000 or more on a fossil, you can have that look for barely a faction of that price. Enjoy. ©  J ohn Gaudiano