Are There Lots Of Europeans In Florida?

Welcome to Florida. Both my grandfathers were from the "old country", a place I thought was very aptly named when I was younger. Then I found out the "Old Country" had a name, in fact both my grandfather's hailed from different Old Countries and there was some argument they once had about who had a mule vs. a donkey and which beast was better. With this as a backdrop, I never had an interest in visiting the "Old Country" especially when it was made clear my family was either thrown out of, or, left under pressure from the local constabulary (both sides). So yeah, the new country suites me fine. QUICK SIDE NOTE: Occasionally you'll hear that 'my family was told the streets in America were paved in gold, so they came here'. Let's be honest, even if that were the truth, it only suggests that your ancestors are idiots. Face facts, your forebears and mine were thrown out of every respectable country in the world and landed here. Ch...