Was The First Thanksgiving in Florida?

Welcome to Florida. As a child I heard the story of the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock, making friends with the Native Americans and having a swell dinner to give thanks for their bountiful life. I visited the park at Plymouth Rock and even saw the re-enactors and the animals that had been genetically engineered in reverse (so the cows had long hair like in the 1600's). I thought it was the coolest thing ever and was excited it all happened so near where I was growing up! But then I started 6th grade. As you are probably aware, unless you attended a subpar elementary school, the Pilgrims didn't originally land at Plymouth Rock. The actual story about landing on Cape Cod and the desperate search for fresh water is more interesting and carries more life lessons - but it is much more complicated so is glossed over until 6th grade. But the bigger lessons are still solid. If you go to a new place, you need the help of the locals to start your life. Yo...