
Showing posts from June, 2017

Do You Drink Soda or Pop?

Welcome to Florida. One of the first people I met when I became a Floridian, told me the state wasn't really part of the US and that Miami was the capital of "Central & South America".   That's probably an exaggeration but, has some truth.  I only know three people that were born in Sarasota.  Our son has a birth certificate which proves he was born at Sarasota Memorial, and I'm guessing he will be in the minority in his class. Most Floridans are from somewhere else, which explains why you hear people order pop, soda and occasionally coke and all mean 7 UP.  It can be confusing; for example, if you were from the east coast and never heard of a pop before; but we all need to adjust.  Florida is a melting pot of the modern age with people from all over and every lifestyle you can imagine.  So please relax, have a pop, or soda, or coke and enjoy yourself.  You are in paradise now. And of course, if you are in the market to buy your own little pi...

What's The Best Benefit To Being A Floridian?

Welcome to Florida. Or, congratulations on planning to move to Florida.  Usually, when I ask someone about the best part about being a Floridian the first answer they give involves the weather.  Sometimes, "beach" is first and occasionally the theme parks are in the top ten.  But not having snow; or, frigid temperatures, is normally the underlying rationale. Don't get me wrong.  I came here full-time with the goal of never touching snow again.  I've gone back north once and felt like everyone I encountered was terribly disadvantaged.  It's just not for me, I love Florida for the weather, boating, beaches, outdoor activities and the people; not necessarily in that order.   I used to think that was a solid list which I wouldn't add on to... Then our Son, Rocky was born. Background: As a teenager, I decided that I was going to college and was going to pay for it myself.  While I managed to cover some $50,000 per year without debt I was determ...

What's The Best Part of New Construction?

This part.

Is Florida Different From The Rest Of The US?

I grew up on the hill that Abigail Adams climbed to watch the British shell Boston.  Like every kid I ever met, I had strong opinions about General Howe and Henry Knox.  It wasn't until I moved away that I realized these opinions and concerns are not universal. When I arrived in Florida and went to open a checking account, I thought the bank was getting robbed by men wearing polo shirts.  I'd never seen a bank before with male employees not wearing white dress shirts and ties.  They looked like a casual gang that had gotten behind the teller line.  Weird.  I mean, it is more relaxed here, but some of that has to do with the heat, while some is just simply survival. My two year old son was born in Sarasota and already can tell the difference between red and ghost ants and knows where the gator nest closest to our house is.  Yes, it's different but, not in important ways.  Essentially, if you are reading this outside the state you just have to b...