Should I Move to Florida?
Welcome to Paradise, or, if you are reading this at a location where the ownership of a snow shovel makes sense, see you soon. Before I moved to Florida full time, I loved to visit theme parks in the winter and enjoy the good weather. I had literally never visited a beach in the entire state because, let's face it, everyone told me Florida was too hot int he Summer and I could never live there. I laugh at this belief set now because, I watch the temperatures in Chicago and Boston in July and August now and realize it is often cooler here in the Summertime. So without further ado, let's go through my top 5 reasons to leave the state you are in and move to paradise. 1. WEATHER This will always be number one! Today it is a cold snap in January so we started the day at 54 degrees and things will top out at 70 this afternoon. Perfect. In Rockford Il, for example, there are snow storms starting in November, and record high temperature is 112 degrees. ...