What Makes You The Happiest in Florida?

Welcome to paradise. The reasons for moving to Florida are about as varied as the people who move here. But when talking to new residents, the weather is normally a factor even if it's not the biggest one. I knew I was going to end up here when I was 10 years old and shoveling snow in mid-April. That's not the life I wanted. Don't get me wrong, I had lots of great friends where I grew up and I'm a history nerd so being born in Wollaston (modern day Boston) was a point of pride to me. Even though Wollaston was named after a pirate who was generally considered an undesirable. But, seriously how many people do you know who grew up in a town named for a pirate? There really aren't too many of us. At any rate, since moving to Florida, I have been surprised at the amount of time everyone spends outside. To that end I couldn't be happier that our son loves the outdoors and is involved in a few sports that take place outdoors almost exclusively. I...