How is Florida different?

Welcome to Paradise. I am currently reading a book about the revolutionary war. I actually grew up on the hill, where Abigail Adams and John Quincy Adams walked to watch the cowardly British shell the city. It was a pretty interesting place to grow up and I was always a big fan of New England residential architecture and loved the idea of living in a bow house at some point and eventually built myself a salt box just like John Adams and John Quincy Adams lived in. The only thing I wasn’t a huge fan of in New England were the strict rules that families and especially children had to follow. On the street I grew up on most of us went to public school, but going to a religious school was somewhat common and totally acceptable. But I still remember the day my neighbor Thomas told us he was going to Thayer Academy. My sister let him know that he was a liar and no longer welcome in our house and I think I probably knew that was the best example of how jealousy hurts relation...