Is There A Downside To Having A Boat Dock?

As a boater, the idea of having your boat right at your home can be extremely appealing.  What would be better that pulling up at your own home and docking your boat so you can preform clean up at ease and have no drive to contend with from the marina home?

Fairly new to Florida is the idea of rackominiums.  The dry boat storage that has been condo-ized so you can keep your boat boat out of the water in a covered area so it is protected from salt and sun.  The added benefit at most rackominiums is that the onsite staff flushes the engine for you and washes down the hull.

I think these things are great investments, extend the life of your boat by protecting it from salt and the brutal Florida sun and increase your amount of time on the water by cutting down on clean up.  Most folks will agree with that sentiment, but not having a boat behind your home may also improve your view.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of sitting on a dock and enjoying an adult beverage while gazing at my boat on a lift.  But in many waterfront homes that means you see less, or even very little of the actual water.  So when you do think about a home for your boat, spend a day looking at Rackominiums and spend your free time enjoying your view.

© John Gaudiano


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