Is There A Dress Code In Florida?

Welcome to the Suncoast!

When I first moved to Sarasota, I planned to open my bank account downtown and as I walked in realized they were getting robbed.  Being from a big city and having a banking background, I followed standard robbery protocol and slowly backed out of the bank, walked up to the security desk in the lobby and informed the guard the bank was getting robbed and to he should immediately dial 911.

As I later explained to two detectives, the local paper and a news crew that drove down from Tampa - In my entire adult life, I had never been in a bank with men wearing polo shirts behind the teller line.  (Unless it was part of a planned heist by organized gangsters.)  Seriously, when I was a juniour executive with CitiBank, the Airconditioning in our building failed in July and one of my managers was sent home becuase he wore a short sleeve shirt to his office.  So you can imagine what I thought when I witnessed casually dressed men in 'employee only areas' at my new bank.  I had no idea, the polo shirts were the bank's uniform!


At any rate, as I have now learned, there is no dress code ANYWHERE in the entire state.  Except at my country club, and it's pretty lax.  So even a couple of causally dressed off duty police offices could have a drink at the bar with me, provided they weren't wearing jeans.

  Well Dressed, by Suncoast Standards  

©John Gaudiano


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