Are There Good Restaurants on the Water in Florida?

Welcome to Florida.

Years ago, when I was on active duty I had the opportunity to work with the French Army.  Nice guys with funny equipment and Renault Cars, painted desert sand.  I always thought they were brave because, who wants to go to war in a Renault?  At any rate, I was on a big mission with some of them and at the conclusion their commander invited me and my team to breakfast to celebrate.

Okay, I'm an American and eat like one.  Apparently in France the big breakfast concept hasn't caught on.  Seriously, one croissant and a half cup of whole milk doesn't do it for me.  But it's the trade off you make with the French.

There's also a big trade off for waterfront food in Florida.  If there's a tremendous view or a great marina, chances are the food, if edible, will be bland and leave you wishing you were at the Olive Garden.  However, if you know that on the way in, and have the proper expectations you'll be fine.

 Or you'll skip the food and stay in the bar...

© John Gaudiano


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