Are VA Loans Always a Good Choice in Florida?

Welcome to Florida.

I usually blog about topics that are unique to home owners when they move to the state of Florida and are at the stage where they are still asking their neighbors to explain what St. Augustine Grass is.  Today though, I did want to touch on VA loans in the state of Florida.  Occasionally, people will ask me if VA loans are different in Florida and ask if it is worthwhile to apply for one.

No, and Yes!

Please apply for the loan unless you are paying cash!  Aside from occasional rumors that some VA appraisers assign lower values when they perform their appraisals ("Hogwash" I say) - I have never had anyone regret getting a VA loan.  You've earned this benefit and you should utilize it.  Aside from lower down payments, certain cash benefits will accrue for you which is determined by your member eligibility letter.

Honestly, talk to your banker and ensure that this loan is available for you and your purchase and if it is go ahead and move forward.  Just remember at some point folks always think that applying for any type of mortgage is a large challenge but, I always say that nothing worthwhile is ever easy....

© John Gaudiano


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