Who Was John Ringling?

Welcome to Sarasota (a town built with Circus Dollars).

I have an elephant collection which I started upon moving to SRQ.  My favorite pieces are advertisements for the Ringling Circus with elephants.  In my office is the Elephant's Brass Band poster, my circus friends think it's an original poster and I just don't have the heart to tell then it's only a print.  Especially my friend Dash (Clown Name).

Mr. Ringling had a huge impact on our city.  He built churches with excess circus equipment, bridges so our keys could be developed and his own waterfront mansion.  I live across the street from a replica of his mansion and have not met the family that built it, but, I want to.  I haven't introduced myself yet because I'm afraid Dash (the clown) might think they are the real Ringlings and it could make the block party awkward when I invite Dash.  So maybe I'll take my time meeting the owners and just admire the home when I drive by......

Or maybe I'll tell Dash it's the Ringling's new house and see what happens.......

©John Gaudiano



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