What's Halloween like in Florida?

Welcome to Paradise.

For my first couple of years in the state, I had to really think about what time of year it was.  When it's 75 degrees and sunny, day after day, my brain keeps making me think it's early fall; not the dead of winter.  In the terrible area I grew up in, we would have to wear our strongest winter jackets to go trick-or-treating, in fact, planning for temperatures below freezing always played a part in our Halloween plans.  At one point, I remember thinking that vampires looked cool when it was snowing, but a soggy (about to be frozen) cape is a real discouragement to kid fun.

That's certainly not the case here.  Our son has been asking to be an '18 Wheeler' for Halloween for over a year and the costume construction here needs only to be well ventilated.  Halloween was in the mid 70s and Rocky got to be an '18 Wheeler' and wear short sleeves.

So I guess the simple answer to what Halloween is like in Florida is: "BETTER"      


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