Are There Good Public Schools in Florida?

Welcome to paradise.

Growing up as a New England education snob I've never been truly comfortable with public funding of education.  I attribute some of this to being knocked or, choked unconscious on more than one occasion in public middle school.  Granted, I probably had it coming but, now that our son is getting close to school age every single option is on the table and we have visited more schools this year than the secretary of education (probably).  Including public institutions.

We have also received some of the scariest advice from parents imaginable.  The most humorous was from a parent who suggested that Mark Zuckerberg didn't finish college and he's doing "pretty well", so ensuring a good education isn't that important.  First, Mr. Zuckerberg did what he did because he had an understanding of how to write computer code and secondarily he started the website that became Facebook simply as a way to objectify and embarrass young women.  He's not on our family's short list of role models.  Sidebar: Not really sure why any woman alive would be okay with Facebook but, understand that history is a fleeting pastime in this country.  Of course, our family believes you must study history in order to learn from it.

Which is why we are looking for a school that will excite our son about learning and education.  We talk about General Knox and how he educated himself at the bookstore he owned - always did what was right and defeated the most powerful military in the world based on knowledge, not might.  He did not have a formal education but, enjoyed reading about military strategy and was able to take his knowledge and apply it in a practical new way others had not considered.

That's what we want for Rocky.  A school that excites him about learning and thinking new ways but, also ensures that he will always protect the weak and stay on the side of justice.  When Henry Knox tried to prevent the Boston Massacre he was brave, thoughtful and kind.  When he saved Boston from the cowardly British he was genius.  If he opened a school in Florida it probably would be the one that Rocky will be attending for Kindergarten.

I would give the name but there's a waiting list and Rocky hasn't been accepted yet - contact me next year for more information :-)   

Seeking knowledge and thinking new ways...


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