Is It Ok for Men to Wear Flip-Flops (in florida)?

Welcome to Paradise.

Sometimes, the best advice we give to new citizens of Florida is about wardrobe.  Yes, we wear dress shirts to work.  And yes, you should throw out every tie you own when you move here.  But today, I had a question about Flip Flops.

Flip Flops.

Now, I get that it can get warm here in the summer.  I've lived here for nearly 20 summers and my son has only known summers in Florida.  But guess what - neither of us own flip-flops.   And it's not just because we are men; the dignity of wearing flip-flops is a major factor.  I suppose that if you are in the hospital and your nursing staff has given you this footwear than I grant you a three day reprieve but, that's a stretch.

Apparently, what I'm saying is that if you are maid of honor and headed to a beach bachelorette party, then flip flops are fine.  Otherwise, please do everyone a favor and select footwear that is appropriate for adults.

Not OK.  Not OK at all.



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