What's the First Day of School Like, in florida?

Welcome to Paradise.

I can remember back to my first days in School when I was little.  (It started out as a joke but now my son is convinced I rode a dinosaur to school, which makes me sound cool - so I don't correct him.)  But, I clearly remember the start of school was the start of Fall and rapidly deteriorating weather.  None of us knew any better though, we were all from the same neighborhood and had all been born in the same town.  We were all alike and didn't know anyone outside our small circle.

That's not the way it is in Florida.  At least half of the kids in our son's class are from somewhere else.  He plays with kids from Central America, some whose families emigrated from South Asia or Israel, and has fun with them all.   The part we love is that he plays with all these different kids from different backgrounds and seems more accepting and well rounded then some of my college friends.
So, the first day of school in Florida usually begins with kids seeing all their old friends and meeting a few new kids from different parts of the world.  That seems like an awesome way to begin the school year, much better than say, riding a Hadrosaurs from home.   


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