Can Perfect Weather Build Grit?

Welcome to Paradise.

I was listening to someone I know, go on (and on) about how cold weather builds character and it's important to raise your kid where it snows.  It got me thinking because, the last time it snowed here was nearly 20 years ago and it didn't even stick.  (Thank goodness).  It is an interesting discussion to have though, because, our goal for Rocky is to have empathy and grit.

Now, I grew up in a place were snow was regular and unpleasant but, I can't recall a time when I think it instilled character.  My most vivid snow memory is learning to skid hop on MBTA buses which I don't think builds character as much as, weeds out kids that are too smart to think being towed by a public transportation vehicle in traffic is a good idea.

As far as I can tell, the only downside to preparing your child for life with an abundance of empathy and grit is occasionally you might find yourself being lectured to by a five year old who insists that "you can't give up"!  The empathy we try to instill as a family through examples and talks however, the grit Rocky figured out for himself.  He's working on a new trick right now and is refusing to yeild no matter how many times or how hard he falls.   

Still working on the backwards landing.....


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