What is the Most Prestigious Address in Sarasota?

Welcome to Paradise.

I have been lucky (cursed) enough to live in several places in the US, as well as abroad.  I am almost always surprised by how similar people are wherever you go....  Fathers and mothers want their children to thrive and be safe, political leaders want safety and security and, everyone, wants a better life, especially for their children.  It's almost universal.

The best schools, the best medical care and always.....the best neighborhoods.  I was always impressed growing up with where my friend Rose lived.  I could tell it was a better area and her house had four pillars!!  Impressive.

In Florida it is totally different, I know people who live on the beach, on a golf course at a marina as well as horse farms.  People here seem calmer and maybe less "judgey".  If you are happy you have won at the game of life.  That's what we want for our son.  We want him to be more like John Adams, concerned with justice and his neighbors and not too worried about having the best address or most "presidential" hair cut.  My personal hero is Henry Knox but I think Rocky, in time, will find that Adams is more 'on brand' for him. Selfless, caring and (perhaps) rocking great hair.

" It doesn't matter where you live, but, it does matter how you live"


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