Is Your Goal Avoiding Failure or, Bouncing Back?

Welcome to Paradise.

Today I was talking to a friend of mine up north who is extremely happy that schools did not open where he lives (Massachusetts).  He told me that although no child in the entire state (which has nearly the highest per capita Covid death toll in America) has died of this virus, he just didn't want his child to "suffer".  It sounded kind of reasonable to me, until I was schooled by my five year old.


Today was one of those days when Rocky had a bad fall which not only hurt but, left his face scrapped, bloodied and bruised - in fact, it is the first time this summer that he has cried at a skatepark because of his injuries.  Once he stopped crying, he (slowly) got back on his board and kept working on a new trick because he has met an Olympian and has new goals (more on that later).

So after another hour of practice we are walking to the car and Rocky asked me if I was proud of him for getting back up and skating.  He told me that he doesn't think that many kids would do that and thinks that's why he is probably going to make it to the Olympics.  I have to admit, that argument seems pretty solid to me.  I don't believe that there would be many people that got knocked down then stayed down, that then made it to the Olympics.

Or, made it in life.

So, it seems to me that if things are a bit off, you shouldn't cancel your plans, you should work harder at them.  That's probably why I'm going to have the best year ever in real estate.  I've never met so many people that had a set back in 2020 who are making changes to move forward and excel in the future.  Thank goodness because, I am apparently saving for a family trip to Los Angeles in the Summer of 2028.

Moment of impact.  Not slowing Rocky's plan for LA28





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