Have You Voted?

Welcome to Paradise.....

I'm probably a bit behind on my blog, it's been a busy month and I didn't finish a single entry in October.  I could say that it was all because I was working on my voting plan but honestly - I haven't really thought about voting since I moved to Florida.  My ballot comes in the mail because of some answer I gave the last time I renewed my driver's license.  I fill out the ballot and return it the day it arrives.

It's easy to do.

But I would like to let all the political advertisers that a bunch of us have already voted and your ads are wasted on us.  Honestly, even if you catch me before I vote I've read up on the issues and have selected all of my choices and your 60 second vignette is never going to sway me.  But good luck to you, just remember I have voted, it's too late to change my mind and I never reveal who I cast my ballot for.  It seems slightly uncouth to me, the burden of being from New England.

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