Do Alligators Scare You?

 Welcome to Paradise.

I admit it, when I first arrived in Florida the idea of alligators kind of freaked me out.  I was actually tasked once with protecting an eight pound dog close to a VERY active alligator lake, and I failed.  I mean the dog survived (barely) but the entire incident shook everyone involved.  Reportedly, even some neighbors were upset as the dog rescue team had to gain access and operate in their lanai, which was lake adjacent.

So, long story short, this was about the same timeframe as when our family thought evacuating for a hurricane was a good idea.  Now, of course, we set up chairs on our loggia and enjoy watching the storm.  Florida, like life, is much more enjoyable if you relax and maintain a confidence that you will get through the challenge in front of you, and thrive.   

So although we respect storms and alligators, we are not about to let them ruin our fun.  

Yes, there are alligators in every body of water in the state and they may see some humans (especially small ones) as food, but with proper safety protocols and awareness there is little to worry about.   

So yeah, our six year old wakeboards in lakes and his parents stay vigilant on shore scanning the water for suspicious activities.  Teaching a young Floridian to take proper safety precautions, and not be fearful so life is enjoyable sounds like a solid parenting plan to me.     

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