Are You Afraid of Alligators?

Welcome to paradise.

I once nearly cost my girlfriend's (now wife's) dog her life because of improper supervision lakeside.  This particular chain of lakes had a 16 foot 'gator who patrolled for large game with two six to eight foot assistants - one night we heard them take down a deer.  A solid 10 on the unpleasant scale.  So I vowed to never go near a lake again.

Then our son was born.  

Turns out, our son is a real Flo Grown (Florida Grown) boy.  He loves the water, and spends his time wake boarding in lakes or Rivers in the state.  We occasionally see 'gators, have never had a problem but it's still in the back of my mind.  So this past year we have been trying to wakeboard more in the ocean (almost no 'gators ever).  At the end of the day it's the best of both worlds - like most of our state.

Sarasota Bay



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