Does it Rain a Bunch in Florida?

Welcome to Paradise.

I was talking to my friend in my hometown and I said that I could not believe it was raining so much in New England, it seemed weird to me. And his response was "What are you talking about?   It only rained twice!  The first time it rained for eight days and the next time it rained for 23!"

Funny.  Kind of.

But I do remember long stretches of days were we had slowly soaking storms that dragged on seemingly endlessly, (which explains part of the reason I moved).  That's not good nor funny.  Here's the deal, it rains a ton in Florida but only for minutes per day.  So if you are looking at a forecast with rain every day for a week, it might just be 7, half hour storms.  No big deal, at all.  

So, I usually suggest that people find fun things to do when it gets a little soggy out.


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