What's The Most Fun you can have in Florida?

Welcome to Paradise.

I have lived in a few states and even more countries so, many times people will ask me if Florida is the best place I have ever lived.  It is but, I have found that that perfect weather, an outdoor lifestyle and booming economy does not make a place great.  It's always the people you surround yourself with.  

The favorite pictures I take of our son are not posed, or candid.  They are the 'in between' photos, my friend Jordan does not like the 'in between', he likes to see things through or, to focus on how to begin.  Not me, ever.  I like the part halfway through.  The part were you still need to do the hard thing, you're a little scared but more excited and your surrounded by your friends.

There are a few pictures of me like this as a young guy and I can remember each moment of that day.  Even if it's 30 years ago in a foreign country, I can remember feeling invincible, excited and content at the same time.  I hope when I take a picture of my son with his bros; he looks at it when he's crowding 40 and it lights up his day.  I think there's a great chance of that.

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