
Showing posts from May, 2017

What Should I Have in my Emergency Kit?

Welcome to Florida. I first moved to our republic in 2002, 24 months before the storm season that included 4 direct hurricane hits on the state.  I had a window from the 1970s blown out and lost power for 2 hours.    Not a very big deal.  In fact, in over 100 years not a single home in Sarasota county has been completely destroyed in a storm.   Solid record. Often new residents will ask me what I keep in my emergency kit.  Well, it's sort of the same group of items I have always keep in my freezer.  A loaded Sig Saur pistol, a bottle of Russian Standard Vodka and a back up bottle of Russian Standard Vodka (or two). That's my emergency plan, I believe it's well thought out.... My Website

Are Condos or Houses Better?

I have an older friend that hated the idea of living in a condo.  He always said his kids "made him move here" - then he had a bad fall and several neighbors rushed to his aide.  Just goes to show that there is a time and place for everything - even in real estate. I like condos and am pretty sure that's the most sensible way for our family to live on the beach if that was a goal.  Although, sometimes I see a beach house and..... My Website

Who's Your Favorite Builder (Part 2)

Welcome to Florida. I took a lot of heat for saying my favorite builder in Sarasota is a Canadian Company.  Sue me, I like Canadians.  A few people asked me who my favorite LOCAL builder is and right now, I'd have to say Stock Development.  Clean lines, great designs, solid building principals and beautiful homes. Again, sue me they might actually be based in Naples - but look at this home!! my website

What's Your Favorite Builder in SRQ?

Welcome to Florida. Lots of folks move to Florida and decide to build their dream home.  I've built homes and honestly right now, I'm a little too swamped for that type of time commitment for decisions but, that doesn't mean it's not a great idea for you.  In fact, I have a new favorite builder....... Ashton Woods Homes